Ambkunj Beach

Destination Details

More than you can imagine is available on Rangat Island in the Andaman Islands. There, you may be guaranteed to have a wide range of experiences. An excellent example of ecotourism in the Andamans is Rangat Island. Between October and March is the ideal time to explore Amkunj Beach. The ambient temperature is still between 23 and 30 °C. You will be spared from the sweltering tropical summers throughout these months because of the mild weather. The beach has a variety of environmentally friendly amenities, including dead log seats, eco-huts, and grooves. There are also many other exotic tree species. Tourists on educational and research trips are drawn to the bench's tree grooves. Amkunj Beach on Rangat Island is also referred to as an eco-friendly beach and has a rocky coastline. Therefore, swimming is not advised. To experience its tranquility, you can, nonetheless, enjoy wandering. On the wooden seats that are located close to the water's edge, you may unwind while admiring the waves as they approach the rocky beach. It's strongly advised to see the dawn and sunset at this beach. Additionally, these are the ideal times to travel there. At Amkunj Beach, if you're lucky, you could even see some turtles. You may spend hours lying in the serene isolation of the uninhabited sands. Don't pass up the chance to go for a stroll as the sun sets into the water in the evening. If you desire to see